Divorce and Custody Study Group
First Fridays of the Month, starting January 7, 12-1:30 pm ET
Facilitators: Jeffrey Parks, LMFT; Brian Hart, MBA, MHC intern
It's become more apparent to the courts and community that family systems therapy is often the most effective way to treat complicated and higher conflict divorce and custody disputes, in and out of Family and Juvenile Court. Our group is for those interested in further developing their practice involving a structural approach to family systems interventions with families in crisis. We will focus on the following:
- Sharing innovative and professionally researched and designed clinical models of family therapy when triangulation develops, and parents are considering or maneuvering through a divorce and/or custody dispute.
- A topic-focused training component with time for group discussion.
- Classic family therapists, including Minuchin, Haley, Madanes, and Framo.
- State of the clinical art approaches to topics including among others, identification of parental alienation, estrangement, alignment, developmental issues, personality types, family violence, working with state agencies and other therapists, reconciliation, and reunification.
Courts everywhere are recognizing the limitations of the adversarial approach in helping families and open to child-centered, strategic family therapy. This is really challenging work, and we want to support you in your work with these complicated family systems. Facilitation will be conducted by Jeff Parks, LMFT who has spent decades as a GAL, Parenting Coordinator, and Family Therapist. Jeff Parks is (for the first time we know of in the 21st century) the first LMFT to have been appointed by a Massachusetts State Family Court to oversee and provide family therapy in a forensic case that includes parental alienation and a suspension of custody. Jeff will be joined by Brian Hart, MBA and MHC intern, who has extensively researched understanding of parent-child estrangement, parental alienation, and alignment.
Check out our ten best resources for working with divorce and custody in family therapy on our blog!
(Image: Eric Ward via Unsplash)