Whether your work is individual, relational or family centered, all clinicians need to establish a level of competency in working with gender non-conforming/trans populations and have an understanding of the unique issues facing these populations.
This conference will create a space for those who work directly or indirectly with the folx of all genders to ask curious questions in a non-judgmental environment that supports clinicians at all levels of experience.
We will explore together how to engage in larger political and social systems, address the politicism of this work while acknowledging our in-office limitations, and identify ways in which what is legal is not always ethical.
Workshop Request for Proposals (RFP) Accepted: Starting December 16, 2024
Deadline for Submissions: February 14, 2025
Registration for Conference: March 31, 2025
Conference Background
Since its inception in 2019, The New England Association for Family and Systemic Therapy (NEAFAST) has dedicated itself to increasing training opportunities, advocacy and clinician connectedness in New England.
As more states and communities pass legislation that threatens the safety and livelihood of trans and gender non-conforming folks, mental health practitioners have a responsibility to rally together to enhance therapeutic skills and advocate for the needs of these individuals, and the family systems and relationships that support them. The New England Association for Family and Systemic Therapy (NEAFAST), South Shore Sexual Health Center and Private Practice Colloquium (PPC) are partnering together to host a one-day event that focuses on providing high-quality individual, relational, and family therapy with trans and gender non-conforming populations.
This year, we will be donating half of the funds raised to the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition.
Conference Audience
New and seasoned master’s level and licensed mental health professionals working in community-based settings and private practice.
Bachelor’s level direct care clinicians seeking to increase understanding of systemic care and improve service delivery.
Clinical supervisors, agency management, and agency staff seeking to increase systemic thinking around gender affirming care within their practice.
Students preparing to enter into the profession of mental health and social services.
Mental Health Professionals seeking to increase awareness of their services and current areas of research.
General Workshop Information
We are seeking proposals for six workshops to address an audience of mental health professionals seeking increased knowledge in the area of trans-affirming mental health care. Workshops must be designed to support clinician education in systemic thinking, promote clinical growth and address movement towards direct, action or advocacy. As a reflection of our commitment to supporting our community all presenters will be paid a stipend.
Criteria for Evaluation
Must be delivered in a 90 minute window
Have clear connection to the goal of enhancing individual, relational, family, and/or systemic therapy
Are relevant to the practice of ethical, intersectional therapy
Introduces ideas and concepts which will enhance competence in clinical practice
Can be delivered in a virtual format
Must contain practical and actionable tools and techniques
Are supported by research and/or have evidence-based foundations
Workshops will be 90 minutes long
Workshops will be held on June 13, 2025 9:00-10:30 am; 11-12:30 am; 1:30-3:00 pm
You will need a device with access to the internet (laptop, desktop, iPad, etc), webcam, Zoom, and audio through your computer or a phone to be able to present to the attendees
Workshop Categories
NEAFAST is looking for workshops to target categories which address clinician needs of the trans/gender non-conforming communities.These workshops will provide clinicians with education to improve systemic awareness within therapy, and increase collaboration between licensed professionals within the mental health field. To directly address these needs, NEAFAST is looking for proposals within the areas below.
Track Areas, with Example Content, Including but Not Limited To:
Individual Therapy
Gender exploration with a client
Assessing and addressing dysphoria
Letter Writing for your Clients
Relational Therapy
Couples/Partner Therapy with trans clients
Supporting a Partner’s gender exploration/transition in couples work
Trans Dating
Family Therapy
Your gender expansive child
Family therapy with a parent’s gender exploration/transition
Addressing conspiracies and misinformation with families
Skill Level: Please identify the intended audience level:
Proposal Contents
RFPs must be submitted online at the link above or below. To help you prepare, all the information requested in the proposal is listed below.
Workshop Information:
Workshop title
Workshop modality - Individual therapy; relational therapy; family therapy; Advocacy and macro-work
Workshop ideal audience– Beginner, intermediate, advanced
If more than one, how are you going to achieve this?
Affinity space for trans/GNC clinicians–Is this for trans/GNC clinicians, or for the larger community?
What is the goal of this workshop? How will attendees be able to apply what they learn from your session directly to their work? (200 word limit)
What are three learning objectives?
What are three references that support this workshop?
Please note which times you are available to conduct the workshop.
Presenter Information – required for each presenter (max of 3)
Contact information – name, phone, email, pronouns
Have you presented before? What topics have you presented on?
Do you belong to the BIPOC community?
Do you belong to the LGBTQIA+ community?
Do you belong to the trans/gender non-conforming community?
What accommodations do you require (if any) to assist with presenting?
Organization or affiliation
Bio – 100 words limit, use third person
Course Schedule:
8:30-9:00: Introduction
Beginner level — Terminology, Trans/GNC 101; Discussion of anti-trans legislation; What the options for gender affirming care are? How do we talk about gender with a client/system?
Intermediate level — Discussion of anti-trans legislation, larger discussion; Current perceptions of trans/GNC people. Here’s the discussion society’s having, cultural zeitgeist
9:00-10:30: 90-minute presentation:
10:45-11:00: Break
11:00-12:30: Keynote Speaker
12:30–1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00: 90 minute presentation:
3:00-3:15: Break
3:15-4:30: Wrap-up: How do we support each other as clinicians working in this environment? What does direct action look like?
Questions & Additional Information
NEAFAST, SSSHC and PPC thanks you very much for your interest! Please contact the Training and Education Committee at [email protected] for more information.